With the advent of Industry 4.0 , control and instrumentation space has got a much needed filip. RMS having been started by instrumentation engineers has catered to the field of controls from the start. We have good experience in Programming and system integration of different varieties of PLC and CNC controllers . We have dedicated team of control engineers who can work from field level up to integrating levels of SCADA and MES. We have skillsets in terms of selection of sensors, programming of PLC and deployment of field wiring . We also handle design and deployment of IOT solutions.
- Our services include:
- PLC programming, SCADA programming, panel building, field instrumentation, cabling , electrical wiring diagrams, sale and service of industrial computers, industrial networking, smart instrumentation
- Erection and commissioning of edge devices with cabling and field instrumentation MES and IIOT platform deployments
- Sample of our work done:-
- Field instrumentation done for Govt research institute, Oil refineries ,steel manufacturing companies and power plants
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